Two Young Boys Stand Up To Bullies

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Two young boys from the UK who call themselves Bars & Melody (BAM!), demonstrate incredible talent and general awesomeness on Britain’s Got Talent. With Leondre’s rapping and Charlie’s beautifully sung melody, BAM gives a performance that is not only tear-jerking, but sends a very important message to kids and adults alike. Through his brave and honest lyrics, Leondre encourages us to think about the impact of bullying and the challenge so many kids face in going to school each day. It’s fair to say that Leondre’s experience as Mr. Bully’s victim has turned him into the strong and courageous boy who stands tall on that stage. Plus, the friendship these boys clearly share is a very special thing. Join 10 million other viewers in watching this clip, and help raise anti-bullying awareness. Parents, please show your sons and daughters – let’s all stand up to bullies.

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