All posts tagged: fear

Slowly Overcoming The Fear Of Writing

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I think I’ve developed a fear of writing. It must have been a gradual development, for I’ve only just realised it. I have a million ideas, but there’s a million other things going on in my head that have got in the way. Most of these things have to do with me thinking and caring too much about what everyone thinks and cares about. And the more I think, the scarier writing becomes and for that reason I’m not writing […]

Some Things I’ve Learned About Change

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For as long as I can remember, I’ve been strongly opposed to change. I don’t care if it’s big, small or for the better; I’d rather things just stayed the same. Call me anal, but I don’t see much point in fixing something that isn’t broken. Is that really such a bad thing? Well, I’ve recently come to realise that it just might be. When I was a young girl (I can’t remember what age), my parents decided to […]

Bananas Suck

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Random Banter

Bananas are the worst things in the world. And in a world with murderers, terrorists, rapists, pedophiles and cats, that’s saying something. I dislike everything about bananas: the way they smell (both with and without peel), the way they look (like a willy), their booger-like texture, the way they sneak up on you in smoothies and desserts, and when the man seated next to you on the bus starts eating one and you can’t escape because your stop is […]